

Notapor Cord » Mié, 15 Ene 2014, 23:49

Estos días me he estado fijando que se esta usando mucho esta palabra dentro del mundillo de SC2, aunque no sé exactamanete que es. Abro este post para ver si entre todos podríamos sacar información de algún lado para que yo pudiera ampliar un poco mi abanico de e-Sports.

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Re: Starbow

Notapor Intervención » Jue, 16 Ene 2014, 03:26

He encontrado esto en google:

Starbow is an unofficial fan-made expansion to Brood War. We try to recreate many of the great aspects of BW
in the SC2 engine, while still using content from SC2.

Decemberscalm explains it here:

Just a quick blurb about this mod to help describe it.

Its more aimed at being an expansion to BW built in the SC2 engine. It isn't trying to be a better SC2 like most SC2 melee mods do.

Its built more on BW fundamentals instead of SC2 fundamentals. The resources, map design (ported from BW for the most part), rush distances, and build times are a lot more reminiscent of BW.

Armies feel more spread out, and fights can happen over much larger space, despite armies generally being lower supply due to the lower economy.

We also put a lot of emphasis on micro being a pretty big factor. Things that are anti micro generally get developed out of the game. Fundamental changes to units were made as well to make fights more micro-able than their SC2 engine counterparts. Fights tend to last longer.

If you love sc2 and hate BW from experience with both games, this will probably not change your mind. It isn't trying to beat SC2. Its trying to be a fresh new BW oriented experience for guys who enjoyed playing and watching BW, while still being relatively accessible for a SC2 player.

Hope this helps anyone who is curious.

Some features:

- BW economy
- High ground advantage
- Combats last longer, compared to SC2
- The balance is based around the BW balance
- We try to make the game more macro & micro intensive

The game is currently in beta, so not everything is final.

Here is a basic overview of the races. More detailed info with stats, spells, abilities and so on will come soon.




Starbow is currently uploaded on the Arcade on EU and NA.


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Copypaste patrocinado por TeamLiquid.
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Re: Starbow

Notapor Sven Hawthorne » Jue, 16 Ene 2014, 09:29

Es decir, big custom map?

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Re: Starbow

Notapor Cord » Vie, 17 Ene 2014, 00:36

Correcto, lo peor que todo es a cuento de que los Protos están OP jajajaja

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"Empty creature from Ventus riven... to you, the name Vanitas shall be given"

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Re: Starbow

Notapor Voprak994 » Lun, 10 Mar 2014, 01:00

No hombre se trata de traer el estilo de BroodWar al SC2. Tiene una economia, un diseño de Build Orders y ciertas mecanicas de brood war, aunque dejan comodidades del SC2 como por ejemplo la agrupacion de estructuras en un mismo grupo de control y cosas asi.
Por ejemplo, las unidades terrestres tiendes a separarse (no como en SC2 que tienden a juntarse) y las aereas se juntan, como en SC2, pero no vuelven a separarse. Por esto es muy complicado el micro de Mutaliscos por ejemplo como era en BroodWar.

Si alguien sigue interesado que sepa que aunque ya no se le esta dando tanto bombo al StarBow, ya han creado un sistema de ladder con el que te emparejan con gente de tu nivel y los torneos cada vez son mas frecuentes y grandes.

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Re: Starbow

Notapor DacrioS.PSombra » Mié, 12 Mar 2014, 09:20

Por probar no se pierde nada

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Re: Starbow

Notapor Sven Hawthorne » Mié, 12 Mar 2014, 09:29

Muchas gracias por la info. Invoprak! La verdad es que entonces tiene bastante más sentido de lo que entendí yo a priori.

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